Sunday, September 27, 2009


1x Gorz
3x XX-saber faultroll
3x XX-saber Gardestrike
3x XX-saber fulhelmknight
3x X-saber airbellum
2x X-saber passiul
3x XX-saber reijigra
1x rescue cat
1x summon priest
1x Gravekeeper guard
1x card trooper
2x Lightlord hunter ryko (thinking of adding a 3rd)

3x chaarge of the light brigade
1x mind control
1x brain control
1x one for one
1x mystical space typhoon
1x heavy storm
1x giant trunade
1x cold wave
1x scapegoat
(might be adding 2 foolish burial)

1x trap dustshoot
1x mirror force
2x gattom's urgent orders (might be adding 3rd)
1x truth reinforce
1x call of the haunted
1x limit reverse

How does this deck work?
heres the match review of this guy's deck which is almost similar to mine

my decks a little diff...test decked it out
no doubt its fun and strong.
able to summon a lot of synchros, including natural beast, natural balkion and even arcanite magician
stuff to tune with: summon priest, scaegoat, gravekeeper guard, card trooper etc..
ryko and COTLB work wonders...speed up the deck to create the loop etc
truth reinforce brings out passiul quick for protection or synchro
overall really fun yet crazy deck to play with! ciao!

1 comment:

Rauzes said...

Lose the guard.