Sunday, August 23, 2009

X-SABER beat

1x Gors
1x Summon priest
1x Rescue cat
3x XX-saber faultroll
1x D.D crazy beast
1x Sangan
3x Marauding Captain
2x Gravekeeper Spy
1x Gravekeeper Guard
3x X-saber Passiul
3x X-saber airbellum

1x Heavy Storm
1x MST
1x Cold wave
1x Giant Trunade
1x Brain control
1x Mind control
3x Saber Slash
1x Pot of avarice

1x Mirror force
1x Torrential tribute
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Call of the haunted
2x Truth reinforce
2x Bottomless traphole
2x Limit reverse

Basic stuff:
marauding + passiul or airbellum into natural beast or natural balkion
truth reinforce to get out passiul quick
limit reverse to reborn sangan, cat or passiul etc
faultroll comes out easily due to cat, truth reinforce and limit reverse
due to X-sabers always being on ur field, added saber slash to kill off opponents face up shitty monsters or irritating traps like oppression etc

Comments? =D

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