Card of safe return
-so they finally banned this...guess that there are now many ways to abuse reborning...especially when mezuki is back at 2 plus hell lot of other reborn cards like level stealer etc...
Monster Reborn
-nothing much to mention. it came back, its now back in.
Dark Dive bomber
-i really, really, really didnt wanna see this go in. but well...its expected...
Crush Card Virus
-gay card. once again nothing much to say
Restricted to 1
Demise king of Armageddon
-well...i dont see the point of this card being restricted. no one plays it these days...
some people say tat its restricted due to it being able to otk...but...haiz my favourite deck is ripped apart!
Mental Master
-surprise choice. only reason i can tink of is cos of brain exploitation research lab. another card which allows high otk possibility.
Rescue Cat
Mind Control
-imo its a good choice restricting mind control. It supports easy synchro plus otk. some people say limiting it is enough but most decks play 2 mind controls much to complain here
Black Feather - Gale of the hurricane
-too imba, thus restricted...i cant wait to see wad BF decks will become haha
One For One
-i dont tink restricting it to one is reasonable...maybe limit it? however one for one without doubt is a crazy card. allows many stupid crazy combos and resulting in many crazy decks
Solemn Judgment
-finally. i never liked solemn judgment. yay!
Summon Priest
Cold Wave
-another card i feel should be limited instead of restricted...the only main deck which utilizes this card a lot of synchro cat...but synchro cat is already torn apart. so y restrict this card? lol. but...overall cold wave is still powerful, so...maybe its a good thing?
Black Rose Dragon
-anything that supports otk is usually restricted or banned by fits here...but its kinda stupid. usually in duels u onli summon BRD once...of cos im not toking about Rauzes's Junk and debris or any other debris hime etc xD
Call of the Haunted
-monster reborn gone, this returns.
Limited to 2
Bottomless Traphole
-hmm.....dont tink will make much difference...many decks are already using 2 only
Dulauren, king of ice boundary
-frog otk is finally gone
Loneflower blossom
-expected. its basically a free Tytannia or gigaplant...
Chaos Sorcerer
-yay! chaos sorcerer at 2 will be lots of fun xD
-hmm...dont tink there will be of much impact...
No longer restricted/limited
Raiza the wind monarch
-it was gay in the past. now its not that powerful anymore, thus returns at 3.
Destiny Draw
-malicious is already destiny draw at 3 wont make any diff
-hmm..might be good for antimeta decks? i wonder...but anyways its a fair trade off. 1 card for 1 card.
Breaker the magical warrior
-once again gay in the past, not so powerful now.
Green baboon protector of the forest
-stupid rulings make this thing useless
D.D warrior lady
-hey! light beatdown decks gets some bonus! =D
thats all. overall, i guess konami did a good job in balancing the game...although im kinda disappointed cat synchro is a goner...and sadded by the fact tat DDB is gone...haiz
cant wait to see wad other new tier 1 decks arise. 1 deck comes to mind immediately. Lightlord. luckily i made mine already =D furthermore, Judgment Dragoon isnt even touched!
so expect to see much lightlord domination when charge of light brigade comes...another deck that still would be always...GB...a little damage done to GB but overall i tink GB will still be strong. hmm i was hoping konami returned reinforcements of the army to 2...but well...tats all.