Monday, July 13, 2009

Solution to duel quiz stage 1
There are many ways to solve stage 1
in fact, stage 1 is very easy
the only difficulty is choosing the right synchros

one way to solve stage 1:
1. normal summon knight of the end
2. send summon priest to the grave
3. synchro knight of the end and krebons for brionac
4. discard mechanical chaser to bounce mirror of oaths
5. activate limit reverse, reviving summon priest
6. discard double summon for summon priest effect, SS rescue cat
7. send cat to grave to summon dark panther and airbellum from deck
8. synchro krebons, dark panther and summon priest for mist wurm
9. bounce all ur opponents monsters
10. return any card left in ur hand to top of deck to reborn zombie carrier
11. synchro zombie carrier and brionac for red daemon dragon
12. red daemon dragon, mist wurm and airbellum all direct for 7100 damage.

another way to solve stage 1:
1. normal summon knight of the end, send neospacian black panther to grave
2. return mechanical chaser to top of deck to reborn zombie carrier
3. activate limit reverse, reviving black panther
4. synchro knight of the end, blackpanther and zombie carrier for mist wurm
5. bounce opponents monsters
6. activate double summon
7. activate Mausoleum of the Emperor
8. pay 1k lp to normal summon zaborg the thunder monarch
9. all attack (2400+1200+1200+2500) for 7300 damage

There, its that simple.
Next coming up, solution to stage 2!

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