Thursday, July 24, 2008

tmr halfday! so slack
then hall used so no training
so boring...11.20 can go home liao -_-
lol today was funny
even though got 2 tests -_-
aiqi was called to do his speech about discrimination against Sikhs
then we were all laughing cos very funny
then gilbert was like asking aiqi at the end: y do the Sikhs wear turbans?
aiqi: I am not a Sikh
then went for dental checkup which was......aiya dun tok abt bad stuff lol
then wad mus go for tooth extract of something like tat?
but tats in 2 weeks time so who cares lol
tonite not slping cos i slept jus now from 7pm-11pm
now trying to get the Musician's song with the woman singing de
so touching lols
wadeva bb

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