Sunday, April 13, 2008

ok ygo...tonite mass dueled hahas
love lightlords =)
ive been tinking...theres something abt ygo that i realli cant explain
its hard to elaborate..people who play i guess u guys feel it too
its like..everyone wans to have his own prefect deck..
however theres always this fear of losing out to the masses
and then everyone as a result uses the same decks...
emobc...dark armed...lightlords...
i mean ygo is sooo diverse...yet everyones sticking to the same shit...
ive been thinking of making a deck tat combines stuff together...
however theres the fear of losing out cos the deck is lousy
therefore even i tend to use decks that is played by everyone in the format...
is this ygo?
i hate to admit but ygo has become this stage of playing...
new format, same depend on luck...
sigh anywae i tested my D-raida..good but a bit lack of aggressiveness...
lightlords is still ok for me..
then theres also the pain of spending so much money on a deck tat u THOUGHT might be successful...then wad turns out to suck...
pain pain pain sia

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