Tuesday, October 17, 2006

wtf im damn pissed off...cos of maple...
in bootes jus now,i wanted to trade 10cash for 2mil with my buddy adnd previous guild member...she was like so close to me in maple, almost like gf ...then when i told her the serial code so that she could withdraw the cash, she went offline...i was like so mad...then she never come online liao...then afterwards she call 3 of her frens come defame me...making melose 3 fames...i mean like wtf!? she scam me then still come defame me!? she, hakyuo and me r like last time guild memebers then she call hakyuo to come fuck me...somemore shes jus a lvl 39 ice mage...a fckin noob and a bitch...shes dead, im calling my guild members to ks her and i also gonna ks her if she comes online...fuck her that bitch in disguise...
but i damn happi now!!!!!! cs of hakyuo...hes the best of all best frens...i dunnoe him in the real world then he gave me skull sheild, a lot of pot and japanese map! he spent like 6 mil on me! i love him man...ohya and btw hes a lvl 74 crusader, my idol! we always do things together and i wanna be like him someday !

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