Monsters: 1x Dark Armed Dragon 1x Chaos Sorcerer 1x Cyber Dragon 3x Raiou 2x Black Knight Of Dark Dragon 1x D.D Warrior Lady 3x Honest 3x Black Feather Qual'at of the Moonlight 3x Black Feather Shura of the Azure Flame 2x Black Feather Gale of the Hurricane 1x Breaker the magical warrior 1x Sangan
Magic: 1x Heavy Storm 1x Giant Trunade 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Monster Reborn 1x Brain Control 2x Book of Moon 1x Smashing Ground 2x Allure of Darkness
Well, today as promised, i finally posted up my Lightlord Deck also completed making my Light-Dark Beat Its cool to play 3 Honest and 3 Qual'at lols anyway people r asking me wad decks i have now basically these r the current decks: -AKB -BF -Lightlord -GB -Light-Dark Beat -Fish OTK -Demise Bomber -Absolute Synchron
Cant wait for the new set to come out, im tinking of improving my Demise Bomber using the Ritual supports from the new set. YGO 5D season 2 jus ended with Crow becoming the final Signer hav to say its a good, interesting show cant wait for season 3 thats all for today! Riding Duel, Acceleration!
Magic: 3x Solar Recharge 1x Monster reincarnation 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Heavy Storm 2x Cold wave 2x Foolish Burial 1x Monster reborn
Trap: 1x Torrential Tribute 1x Mirror force
Friday, June 26, 2009
New Family Member! my mom bought me a new panda plushie lol as u can see from the pics the panda can become a pillow or a standing up position so cool huh XD
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cards Update
Black Feather - Silver Wind of the isolated levl 8 Dark synchro/winged beast 2800/2000 1 "Blackwing" Tuner Monster + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can select up to 2 face-up monsters on the field that have DEF lower than this card's ATK and destroy them. During the turn this effect is activated, you cannot conduct your Battle Phase. Also, once during your opponent's turn, while you control this face-up card, "Blackwing" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle.
Good effect but screwed up by its summoning requirements! 1 BF tuner and 2 or more non tuner monsters! wtf! guess the most common and almost impossible way to summon him is: Blizzard > qualat and summon another qualat, synchro all for him on the other hand, he can also be used in other non bf decks like maybe AKB...where some people hav 1 gale in it gale > rescue cat > ryko, space panther > synchro all for silver wind but then again no one would do this in a real duel unless under some weird situation
well, Stardust Overdrive is coming out soon... the bad thing...3 earthbound gods in it! that means a lowered chance of getting a good foil =( more dual support...actually a lot of dual support! rituals hav support too! the new ritual cards are really good imo Demise Bomber can be revived! ritual buster is gay... more stupid new cards like spiders and reptiles...shall not cover these fortune ladies get more support too they actually seem playable with many draw supports Savior Star Dragon most likely would be a collectors item...although its actually quite easy to summon with stardust xiaolong, savior dragon and One for One
just last week it was the SG nationals first place - black feather second place - black feather third place - black feather fourth place - AKB
looking at the top 16, included of cos a lot of bf and AKB, GBs, lightlord and plants i heard that the plant deck was very good heard it was a very special deck and actually was good enough to win it all jus that according to some people the duelist was DQ-ed for making 3 mistakes one mistake was that during end phase he summoned 2 amaryllis without announcing a chain block...zz quite stupid imo like that also DQ...
BF deck from shriek my bf deck is almost 99% similar to this! haha! glad to see this build win something actually my bf deck is exactly the same except for the 3 reckless greed i play DDV instead haha so cool! the BF build with vayu can be crazy at times bt sometimes also inconsistent so sad to say i might be changing my bf build to Virus Feather, more consistency tats all for today might post on LL tonite once i take the pictures =D
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Night Is Alive!
i really love the night everything is peaceful and quiet it would be better if it rains =) no one to disturb me, jus listening to this feeling on the other hand, i hate the day its hot and the thought of everyone around me sorts of pisses me off night time is the best.
Just some random thoughts:
Kinda struck me in the previous FMA episode where the elric brothers were left on the island to survive on their own. All is One. One is All. Shinrabanshou. basically depicts how everyone in the universe is connected in one way or another like how we interact or even to make a poo in the wild is playing a part in this diverse cycle... lol why the hell am i saying all these zzz mus be the effect of stoning at home for too long or due to the fact that i seriously have nothing to talk about this month has been really...wasted lifeless hopefully something cool happens b4 sch reopens anyway tats all...sorry ygo readers promise ill post on my lightlord deck tmr
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Random Update part 2 and most importantly...
Konbanwa, its 12.17am in the nite last week of holidays and everyones hoping for an extra week as usual, didnt do much the past week didnt even step out of my house... due to the boredom, a once hyper active panda...
became sick down with flu due to excessive sleep
and now feels like killing himself
drinking my favourite ice milo now...
ok now most importantly... i noe a lot of things happened recently thats caused many unpleasant stuff... first of all
sorry for misunderstanding and getting angry for no reason hope this stupid incident doenst ruin our frenship! SORRY SORRY SORRY! and sorry to the rest of the gang for all the shitty attitude Hontoni Gommenne!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Random Update
Hey all sorry for not posting for so long jus some updates... Extra pack 2 coming out... good thing is charge of the light brigade also jus completed my LL deck, will be posting up tmr anyway some random pics regarding my life! speaking abt life, heres a song...
ok ytd went to daiso at IMM for fun bought this new japanese curtain bamboo thing as the door for my room lol cool huh
and bought this new panda coaster for my ice milo! lol my pandas holding the coasters
and now for some random panda pics! nothing to do...really... this is wad people do when they hav seriously nothing to do
Monday, June 01, 2009
WTF shriek look at SD17! look at the full card list wont u be like OMFGWTF!??!?! 1.spell striker 2.exodios 3.kreis 4.card gunner 5.mind control 6.burden of the mightyy 7.arms hole 8.dark bribe
HOLY SHIT? ok the card list might not be real but if its real then... holy shit! everyone get ready to buy 3 decks! wtf! and bloody hell Eatos is coming too! argh!!!